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Tara Conway: Advisor, Digital Pioneer, Speaker, Ecommerce, and Logistics Expert



  • Expert in logistics, shipping, partnerships, and customer experience from a retailer's perspective.

  • Featured speaker and consultant at leading conferences such as eTail Canada, RCC Store conference, DX3, and more.

  • Mentor and supporter of female founders and women in logistics and tech communities.


Tara Conway is a seasoned expert in the field of ecommerce and logistics, bringing a unique retailer's perspective to her work.

Her career is marked by resilience and innovation, drawing from numerous experiences and learning opportunities.

Tara's approach to writing and consulting is deeply rooted in real-world experience and a philosophy of continual growth, best captured by Nelson Mandela's words: “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”

Tara is an active speaker at major Canadian conferences, sharing her insights on digital transformation, ecommerce strategies, and Omni Channel best practices. Some of the prominent events where she has spoken include:

She also provides fractional support to female founders, helping them navigate challenges and seize opportunities that drive success.


Tara holds a Bachelor's degree in Commerce from the University of Guelph and has completed extensive training in "Life in Retail," covering essential areas such as launching ecommerce, Omni Channel, and digital transformation.


Community and Personal Interests

Tara is deeply involved in several women-centric communities, including:

Outside of her professional commitments, Tara is a certified dog trainer, spending time with her pack of four Australian Shepherds. She also enjoys golfing, always striving to outplay her husband on the course.

Upcoming Projects

Tara's focus remains on creating opportunities and making meaningful connections within her community. She continues to inspire and support those around her, especially through her involvement with various female-focused organizations.

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What's the Buster Fetcher's story?

Hi! My name is Matt Lessard, co-founder of Buster Fetcher.

When I think about the beginning of Buster Fetcher, I think of my dad, who owns an e-commerce business selling homeopathy and natural remedies for animals and sells to French-speaking countries. He often faced delays in delivering packages. Talking to Canada Post, he learned he could get refunds for these delays, and this was big news! The family saw they were missing out on so many refunds. They also discovered many businesses were in the same boat.

My wife Suzie and I started our own company, Zumalka (formerly Homeoanimal), in 2013. However, in 2017, we were struggling to make a profit. But we were determined to find a solution!

I spoke to my parents about our challenges and told them about a recent issue with a customer from Australia. The customer had paid $70 for shipping but received their $30 product late and wanted a refund for the shipping fee. My father asked me if I had claimed any refunds and explained how an On-Time Delivery Guarantee covers carrier services. He helped me realize I was missing out on potential savings by not claiming refunds.

I decided to take action and checked all the tracking numbers of my guaranteed packages one by one. It was a time-consuming process, but it was worth it - I discovered that more than 20% of my packages were delivered later than promised. So I filed my claims to Canada Post, and voilá! I successfully received the refunds that I absolutely deserved.

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Yes, looking for each tracking number was difficult and consumed a lot of my time, so I had a revelation. Right there and then, I wondered. Is there a faster way for me to claim refunds?

And so it happened. The idea came across my mind and made me think — “Why not create a company that specializes in solving the problem I just encountered?” 

So that’s what I did! I spent over a year gathering a team of brilliant minds and designed a system to help companies save money on their shipping operations!

Finally, at that moment, when the system was up and running in 2018, Buster Fetcher® was born.

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Matt Lessard
CEO and Co-Founder

Connect with Matt on Linked In

Suzie COO Buster Fetcher
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Suzie Cyrenne
COO and Co-Founder

Connect with Suzie on LinkedIn
Check my podcast: Women Powering Ecommerce

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But it's not just about the technology. At the heart of Buster Fetcher® are the people. Our team shares the drive to offer more to our clients. Using our service, they can uncover new revenue opportunities and stand strong against competitors. 

We pride ourselves on nurturing strong customer relationships, offering specialized advice, training, and strategies tailored to each client's needs. 

Meet Our team
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The right attitude and motivation will motivate both parties to stay committed, creating trust and respect in all our relationships.


Constant And Never-ending Improvement (CANI). The fact that nothing is ever finished, perfect or without the need for improvement and growth.


It is excellence, drive, and exceptional performance. We consistently go above and beyond expectations, demonstrate a strong work ethic, and possess the skills and mindset necessary to succeed.

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Join the nearly 2,000 Canadian customers who save on shipping every month with Buster FetcherTM