Women Powering Ecommerce

006- Master Your Morning: Transform Your Business and Life with a Powerful Routine

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Jun 22, 2023 12:00:00 PM

In today's fast-paced world, establishing a morning routine can make a significant difference in our lives, especially for entrepreneurs and those striving to achieve their goals. Whether you're a late riser rushing through your morning or an early bird who carves out time for self-care, the impact of a well-crafted morning routine is undeniable. In this blog post, we'll explore the journey of an individual who transformed her mornings and discovered how it propelled her business to new heights. We'll delve into the key elements of her routine and discuss the benefits of adopting a similar approach.

The Awakening

The story begins with a realization that change was needed. The protagonist, previously accustomed to waking up late and scrambling through her mornings, embarked on a vacation that provided her with the opportunity for self-reflection. This introspective time in the beautiful surroundings of southern France prompted her to challenge her belief that she was not an early bird.

The Morning Miracle

During her trip, she stumbled upon a book that would prove to be a game-changer. "The Morning Miracle" by Hal Elrod became her guide to waking up early with purpose. It wasn't just about rising early; it was about utilizing that time to become a better individual. The book introduced her to the concept of implementing a series of activities to kickstart her day positively.

The Importance of a Strong Why

One fundamental aspect of embracing an early morning routine is having a compelling reason or purpose for doing so. Without a meaningful why, the motivation to wake up early dissipates quickly. For our protagonist, the purpose was clear—to dedicate time for personal growth, start the day on a positive note, and have more energy to fulfill her responsibilities towards her family, colleagues, and clients.

Incremental Progress

Changing habits overnight can be challenging, so our protagonist opted for a gradual approach. She started by waking up just 15 minutes earlier than usual, gradually extending that timeframe as it became comfortable. What began as waking up at 7:00 AM transformed into a routine where she now rises at 4:30 AM or even 4:00 AM on some mornings. By taking small steps towards change, she made steady progress in reshaping her mornings.

Taking Care of Oneself First

Using the analogy of the oxygen masks on an airplane, the protagonist emphasizes the importance of self-care. Just as we are advised to put on our masks before assisting others, prioritizing self-care in the morning allows us to show up as our best selves for our loved ones, work, and business endeavors. By flipping the narrative of self-neglect, she discovered a wellspring of energy and enthusiasm to tackle the day's challenges.

The Components of an Empowering Morning Routine

Now, let's explore the key elements that make up our protagonist's transformative morning routine:

  1. Reflective Moments: Upon waking, she starts her day with a cup of coffee and takes a few moments of silence and reflection. Engaging in breathing exercises or meditation helps set a positive tone for the day ahead.
  2. Affirmations and Goal Setting: Our protagonist reads her yearly goals and affirmations, reminding herself of her aspirations and staying focused on her desired outcomes. She leverages the power of technology, using Pinterest to create visual boards with her goals and affirmations.
  3. Learning and Growth: She commits to reading at least 10 to 15 pages of a nonfictional book daily. By dedicating time to learn and expand her knowledge, she nurtures personal growth and gains insights applicable to various aspects of life.
  4. Physical Exercise: A 45-minute workout forms an integral part of her morning routine. Whether at a home gym or outdoors, engaging in physical activity enhances her overall well-being and boosts energy levels.
  5. Podcasts and Continuous Learning: To make her walks more engaging, she discovered the world of podcasts. While getting ready for the day, she listens to podcasts or YouTube videos of thought leaders she follows, providing a continuous stream of inspiration and knowledge.

Benefits and Impact on Business

Implementing this morning routine has yielded significant benefits for our protagonist's business:

  1. Clarity of Mind: Starting the day with self-care and personal development allows for a clear and focused mind. This newfound mental clarity empowers her to make better decisions, which positively impact her business endeavors.
  2. Increased Energy: Prioritizing self-care in the morning results in higher energy levels throughout the day. By investing in herself first, she minimizes midday slumps and maintains a positive state of mind, translating into improved productivity.


Embracing a transformative morning routine can be a catalyst for success in both personal and professional realms. The journey of our protagonist illustrates the profound impact such a routine can have on one's life and business. By making small, incremental changes, prioritizing self-care, and engaging in activities that foster growth, she unlocked newfound energy, clarity, and focus. As you reflect on your own morning routine, consider incorporating elements that align with your goals and values, ultimately propelling you towards success.