Women Powering Ecommerce

007 - Breaking Barriers: The Rise of Female Entrepreneurs in eCommerce

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Jun 27, 2023 12:30:00 PM

In today's blog post, we will explore the inspiring world of female entrepreneurs in the realm of online business. We will delve into the challenges they face, the statistics that showcase their growing influence, and the opportunities provided by the digital age. Join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of women in business and encourage others to seize the moment and embark on their own entrepreneurial journey.

The Journey of a Woman in Business

Many women, like myself, have experienced moments of self-doubt and undervaluation while pursuing their dreams in the business world. In industries such as e-commerce and technology, the dominance of men can often lead to feelings of being undermined. However, these setbacks have become powerful motivators for us to claim our rightful place and pave the way for other aspiring women entrepreneurs.

The Power of Statistics

It's incredible to discover that women now constitute around 40% of new entrepreneurs in the United States (source). This statistic showcases the remarkable influence of women in business, and it pleasantly surprises me. The notion of women thriving in entrepreneurship is further supported by a Forbes article that confirms this 40% figure (source). Interestingly, when compared to 1972, there are 3000 more women in business today (source). While these statistics are based on data from a few years ago, they undoubtedly suggest that the number of women-owned businesses has continued to rise significantly.

The Impact of Women in Business

In 2019, the American Express State of Woman Owned Businesses report revealed that 42% of all businesses in the US are owned by women (source). This finding provides us with an updated and encouraging statistic. The growing recognition and celebration of women's achievements in the business world is indeed good news. It demonstrates that we are making significant progress towards gender equality and women empowerment.

Enablers of Success

The digital age has played a pivotal role in empowering women entrepreneurs. It has opened up countless tools and opportunities that allow us to break through the glass ceiling. The emergence of social media and online networking platforms has created spaces where like-minded women can connect and support one another. Attending events specifically tailored for women in e-commerce, for instance, offers a unique chance to exchange experiences, challenges, and opportunities.

E-commerce: A Catalyst for Progress

E-commerce platforms have emerged as powerful tools that shatter the glass ceiling for women in business. Amazon, one of the leading e-commerce giants, reports that 32% of their sellers are women (source). Even more impressive, Shopify boasts a remarkable 53% of women owning Shopify stores (source). These statistics showcase the tremendous potential for women entrepreneurs to thrive in the e-commerce industry. They debunk any preconceived notions and highlight the increasing number of trailblazing women who are leaving a lasting impact.

Seizing the Moment

These statistics and the overall trajectory signal a growing trend of women making their mark in the business world. The opportunities presented by e-commerce platforms are too significant to ignore. If you are considering starting an online business, now is the perfect time to dive in. The digital era has created an environment where women can establish and grow their own online stores. The statistics speak for themselves, and your business could be part of this empowering movement.

Embracing Growth

As an entrepreneur in the e-commerce industry, these statistics and trends fuel my determination to expand my business further. The success stories of other women entrepreneurs inspire me, and I hope they inspire you too. We are in an era where women are rewriting the rules and reshaping industries, and it is a privilege to be part of this journey.


The rise of female entrepreneurs in the world of online business is a cause for celebration. The statistics and trends we have explored in this blog post clearly illustrate the increasing influence and achievements of women in business. The digital age has provided us with invaluable tools and opportunities to overcome obstacles and reach our fullest potential. Whether you are already in business or considering venturing into the e-commerce realm, remember that now is the time to seize the moment. Together, we can inspire and support more women to embark on their entrepreneurial journey and create a future where gender equality thrives.