Women Powering Ecommerce

009 - Unveiling E-commerce Lessons: Surpassing Limits & Overcoming Challenges

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Jul 4, 2023 1:00:00 PM

Welcome to another empowering episode of Women Powering E-Commerce! Join me as we delve into the highs and lows of my journey as a female e-commerce entrepreneur. Today, I want to take a moment to reflect on the valuable lessons I learned in the month of June. It's important to look back and gain perspective, extracting life lessons from our experiences. By sharing my takeaways, I hope to inspire and guide you in achieving your own business goals. So, let's dive in!

Setting Ambitious Goals: Surpassing Expectations

One of the most significant insights I gained in June was the realization that humans are more capable than they give themselves credit for. As time passes, I've come to understand that I possess untapped potential. A prime example of this occurred last month when we were preparing for our quarterly meeting. While setting our ambitious goals for the quarter, the idea of starting a podcast emerged. It was a completely new venture for me, but I felt it aligned with my mission of helping others. Despite initial doubts, I embraced the challenge and set a three-month goal. Surprisingly, I achieved it in just 10 weeks! This experience taught me the importance of setting ambitious goals and the motivation that comes with achieving them. We often underestimate ourselves, but by pushing our boundaries, we can reach greater heights as entrepreneurs.

Perseverance: The Key to Overcoming Challenges

June also reminded me of a vital lesson: as long as you don't quit, it's never over. Throughout my e-commerce journey, I encountered numerous obstacles and faced an unprecedented drop in sales over the past two years. It was a grueling period filled with sleepless nights, stress, and moments of hopelessness. Despite the temptation to give up, I refused to quit. Effort does not always yield immediate results, but I knew there had to be a way out. Despite trying various strategies, including paid ads, changing agencies, seeking mentorship, and even redesigning our website, the situation remained unresolved. However, I stayed focused on the potential of my products and the need they fulfilled in the market. I believed that, with perseverance and creative thinking, we would find a solution.

Uncovering Success: Patience, Resilience, and Creative Problem-Solving

The patience and persistence paid off. Recently, we finally uncovered the recipe for success. It was a game of endurance, but we emerged from the struggles with stable and encouraging results. The feeling of being back on track is incredibly gratifying. This experience taught me that even in the darkest times, there is always a way forward. Sometimes, the tunnel may seem never-ending, but with resilience and creative problem-solving, we can find the exit. Throughout this journey, I realized the importance of remaining patient, seeking support, and harnessing the power of creativity.

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Embrace Your Potential and Overcome Challenges

Reflecting on the lessons learned in June has provided me with invaluable insights and inspiration. By sharing my experiences, I hope to encourage and support fellow women entrepreneurs in their e-commerce journeys. Remember, you are more capable than you think, and perseverance in the face of challenges can lead to remarkable breakthroughs. Believe in your potential, stay focused on your goals, and never lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our business dreams.