Women Powering Ecommerce

011 - E-commerce Onboarding: Streamline Success for Your Team

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Jul 11, 2023 12:30:00 PM

Welcome to Women Powering E-commerce, where we delve into the world of female e-commerce entrepreneurs. In this episode, we will explore the crucial topic of onboarding new team members. As an experienced entrepreneur in the field, I have refined my onboarding process over the years and encountered valuable lessons along the way. Join me as I share effective strategies and insights to help you streamline your onboarding and set your team members up for success.

1. Streamlining the Onboarding Process

Creating a pre-arrival checklist is essential to ensure a consistent and efficient onboarding experience. Just as pilots rely on their checklists before taking flight, having a comprehensive list ensures no crucial steps are missed. The checklist includes important items such as preparing and signing a contract, clarifying reporting structures, setting up necessary accounts, and providing the right permissions. By following a checklist, you can save time and establish clarity right from the start.

2. Introducing the Onboarding Plan

In addition to the checklist, attaching an onboarding plan to a welcome email is a valuable practice. This one-page plan outlines the expectations of the new team member within the first 90 days of onboarding. It includes essential resources, training, platform access, and an overview of company culture, values, products, and services. The plan sets clear goals and outlines accountability expectations. By providing this comprehensive document, you empower your team members with the knowledge and confidence they need to excel in their roles.

3. Creating an Informative Onboarding Email

The onboarding email is a reference point for new hires throughout their training process. It consolidates vital information and acts as an important introductory resource. Within this email, informing the existing team members about the new addition is crucial. By sharing the news with the team, you create a warm and welcoming environment and allow everyone to prepare to support and guide the newcomer effectively.

4. Setting Expectations for the First 90 Days

To ensure a smooth transition and foster comfort within the new role, setting clear expectations for the first 90 days is important. In the welcome email, outline the initial tasks, training sessions, and coaching support the new team member will receive. Depending on the position, provide a roadmap that guides them toward becoming proficient and confident in their responsibilities. Highlight the importance of ongoing learning and emphasize that onboarding is an ongoing process tailored to their specific role.

5. Tailoring Onboarding to Industry-Specific Needs

In certain industries, such as e-commerce, onboarding may require an extended period of time due to the complexity of the products or services offered. For example, onboarding may involve extensive training on health-related topics in the pet health industry. By dedicating sufficient time to train team members, you ensure exceptional customer service and demonstrate your commitment to their growth and well-being. Nurturing a culture of care within your organization contributes to the overall success of your business.

6. Leveraging Online Training Platforms

To enhance the onboarding experience, many businesses have transitioned from traditional in-person or one-on-one virtual training to online training platforms. These platforms provide a centralized hub for knowledge and resources, making it convenient for both the new team member and the organization. Popular platforms such as Trainual and Notion offer comprehensive features that facilitate training and serve as reliable references for team members throughout their journey.

7. Continuous Improvement

As an entrepreneur, staying open to new ideas and adapting your onboarding process as needed is essential. Drawing from my experience running a SaaS business, I have gained valuable insights to implement in our future onboarding endeavours. By remaining receptive to new strategies and refining our approach, we can ensure that our team members receive the best possible onboarding experience.


Efficient onboarding is crucial for the success of any e-commerce business. Following a well-defined onboarding process can set your team members up for success and foster a culture of growth and collaboration. From creating a pre-arrival checklist to providing an onboarding plan and leveraging online training platforms, there are various strategies to streamline the onboarding experience.

Remember, onboarding is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement and adaptation. By staying receptive to new ideas and incorporating industry-specific training, you can ensure that your team members feel valued, supported, and equipped to excel in their roles.

With a strong onboarding process in place, you can empower your team members to take action, achieve their goals, and contribute to the growth and success of your e-commerce business. Together, let's inspire and uplift each other as we navigate the exciting journey of entrepreneurship in the e-commerce world.