Women Powering Ecommerce

013 - Empower Your Success: Master Work-Life Balance & Conquer Guilt

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Jul 18, 2023 12:30:00 PM

IWelcome, e-commerce empresses, to "Woman Powering e-Commerce." In this episode, we delve into the crucial topic of work-life balance and discuss overcoming guilt and setting boundaries. As a female e-commerce entrepreneur, I have experienced the challenges of finding equilibrium in my professional and personal life. Today, I want to share my journey and insights with you, empowering you to act and achieve your business goals.

The Guilt Trap

For a long time, I felt guilty for not conforming to societal expectations that demanded relentless work, including evenings and weekends. There was a cultural belief that success in business required 70 to 80 hours of work per week, especially in the early stages. However, I discovered a game-changing concept—the four-hour workweek. This movement, popularized by Tim Ferriss, challenged the notion that success is proportional to the number of hours spent working. It resonated with me and opened my eyes to the importance of work-life balance for overall well-being.

Reevaluating Success

Success is no longer solely measured by the number of hours spent toiling away. Many business owners are realizing that leveraging resources, delegation, and efficient systems can lead to success without sacrificing personal time. Finding this balance has become my goal, allowing me to enjoy life while building a thriving business. I now understand that being happy and healthy—mentally, emotionally, and physically—is crucial for long-term success.

Letting Go of FOMO and Setting Boundaries

Initially, I struggled with the fear of missing out (FOMO) and the pressure to be constantly available. I had conditioned my team to expect instant responses, which created an unhealthy dynamic. Recognizing this, I resolved to change. Setting boundaries became essential, both for myself and my team. Discipline was necessary to refrain from immediate responses and prioritize non-work-related activities without guilt. Gradually, I educated my team about my availability and established specific times for addressing messages and requests.

Creating Space for Non-Urgent Issues

I implemented weekly dedicated meetings with my team leaders to ensure effective communication while minimizing interruptions. This designated time and space provided an opportunity to address non-urgent matters, reducing the need for constant messaging. Additionally, I cultivated a deep respect for my calendar and the blocks of time dedicated to specific activities. Embracing boundaries and expectations allowed me to enjoy my work fully while nurturing a fulfilling personal life.


Mastering work-life balance is an ongoing journey, and I've learned invaluable lessons along the way. Overcoming guilt and setting boundaries has transformed my perspective on success and enabled me to live life on my terms. Remember, success is not solely measured by the number of hours spent working. It's about finding harmony and allocating time to important aspects of life beyond business. By implementing discipline, communication, and boundaries, you too can achieve a fulfilling work-life balance. Join me on this journey and let's create the life and business we love.