Women Powering Ecommerce

015 - Mastering Marketing: Agency vs. In-House Secrets

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Jul 25, 2023 1:00:00 PM

Welcome to Women Powering E-commerce, where I share my journey as a female entrepreneur in the e-commerce world. Today, we'll dive into a critical topic for every business owner: marketing. Specifically, we'll explore the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a marketing agency versus building an in-house team. As someone who has experienced both approaches, I'll share my insights and personal experiences to help you make an informed decision.

The Organic Marketing Journey

When I first started my e-commerce venture, I recognized the significance of organic marketing, including SEO, CRO, and email marketing. Initially, I made the mistake of hiring a freelancer without thoroughly vetting their expertise, resulting in a disappointing outcome and wasted investment. Realizing the need for control, my husband and I delved into learning the principles of SEO to craft our own successful strategy.

With our in-house team members, we managed organic marketing effectively for several years. However, as trends evolved, we discovered that strategies that once worked no longer delivered optimal results. Adapting to the changing landscape, we now maintain a specialized in-house team to handle all aspects of organic marketing.

Navigating Paid Ads with Agencies

On the other hand, we explored various marketing agencies for our paid ad campaigns, such as Google Ads, Facebook, and TikTok. Although we considered building an in-house team for this aspect, we continue to collaborate with agencies due to their expertise and convenience. However, I'm open to the possibility of bringing paid ads in-house in the future.

Pros and Cons of Marketing Agencies

Marketing agencies offer specialized expertise with diverse skill sets, providing objective perspectives and scalability to adapt to your needs. They can be cost-effective compared to maintaining a full-time in-house team. However, communication challenges and limited control over strategies may arise.

Pros and Cons of In-House Marketing

In-house teams possess an in-depth understanding of your brand, immediate response times, and greater control over marketing efforts. However, they may have limited resources and expertise compared to specialized agencies, leading to higher costs and difficulties in rapid scaling.

My Preferred Approach

Based on my experiences, I find in-house marketing more suitable for my business. Control, quality of work, and effective communication outweigh the challenges. As my company grows, I may consider transitioning paid ads in-house as well.


Whether you opt for a marketing agency or an in-house team, each approach has its merits and drawbacks. Understanding your business's needs and long-term goals is essential in making the right decision. For now, I'm thrilled with the in-house approach for organic marketing, and our agency partnership continues to deliver favorable results for paid ads.

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