Women Powering Ecommerce

018 - 3 E-commerce Lessons: Metrics, Reviews and Customer Experience

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Aug 3, 2023 12:30:00 PM

Welcome to another episode of Women Powering E-commerce! Today, I want to share some valuable e-commerce lessons I learned while on vacation in July. Even when you're relaxing and enjoying time off, you can still find inspiration and insights that can benefit your business. So, let's dive into the three key takeaways I had during my time away.

The Power of Metrics

The first thing I realized coming back from vacation is the importance of metrics. In the past, I used to dive right into the daily fires and updates from my team. However, now I know better. Before speaking to anyone, I make sure to check my numbers first. We maintain a scorecard of about 20 to 30 crucial metrics, which are updated weekly. This allows me to gain a comprehensive view of the business's health and performance.

Reviewing metrics upon return not only prevents bias but also helps me identify trends and areas that require attention. Numbers don't lie, and they provide an objective way to assess the company's progress. It's essential to keep track of key performance indicators like revenue, site traffic, paid ads, organic visits, purchases, subscriptions, email sign-ups, and more. With these insights, you can make data-driven decisions and ensure your e-commerce business stays on track.

Leveraging the Power of Reviews

During my vacation, I experienced firsthand the influence of reviews on customer decisions. When my family and I wanted to try a new restaurant, we relied on online reviews to make our choice. The restaurant had numerous positive reviews, which gave us a sense of certainty about the quality of its service.

As an e-commerce entrepreneur, you can leverage the power of reviews to build trust with your customers. Positive reviews provide social proof and alleviate the risk of making a purchase online. When potential buyers see positive reviews, they are more likely to trust your brand and commit to a purchase. So, encourage your customers to leave reviews, and showcase them on your website to enhance customer confidence and boost conversions.

The Importance of Asking for the Sale

While staying at a hotel, I encountered an interesting upselling tactic with shower gel. The hotel provided new and appealing bottles of gel shower, shampoo, and conditioner, which enticed me to try them out. I had a pleasant experience, and the hotel charged me for the upgraded amenities.

This encounter made me realize that asking for the sale and offering upgrades isn't pushy; it's about enhancing the customer experience. As an e-commerce business owner, it's crucial not to shy away from upselling and offering additional value to your customers. Let them know about upgrades and complementary products that can enhance their overall experience. If done thoughtfully, upselling can lead to happier customers who feel well-served and satisfied with their purchases.


Vacations offer an excellent opportunity to gain fresh perspectives and insights that can benefit your e-commerce business. By focusing on metrics, leveraging reviews, and confidently asking for the sale, you can create a more robust and customer-centric business model.

As you take a break from your daily routine, keep an eye out for real-life examples and experiences that can help inspire and improve your e-commerce strategy. Embrace continuous learning, and remember to put yourself in your customers' shoes to enhance their experience. By doing so, you'll be well on your way to achieving your business goals.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope you found these realizations as valuable as I did. Don't forget to follow me on social media and subscribe to our podcast for more inspiring content. Until next time, keep growing and taking action towards your e-commerce success!