Women Powering Ecommerce

025 - Email Marketing: Lessons from a 40% Revenue Surge

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Aug 29, 2023 9:00:00 AM

Welcome to a new episode of Women Powering E-commerce! Join us as we delve into the journey of a female e-commerce entrepreneur, exploring the highs, lows, and strategies that lead to success. Today's focus is on a pivotal aspect of modern business – email marketing. Let's dive into how this entrepreneur transformed her e-commerce business by harnessing the power of effective email marketing.

Unveiling the Overlooked Gem: Email Marketing

In the bustling world of e-commerce, email marketing often remains underestimated or even neglected. Our entrepreneur candidly admits that she too had once overlooked its potential. However, a turning point came when they realized that a whopping 40% of their revenue was now being generated through email marketing. This realization became the catalyst for change.

The Shift to a Strategic Approach

The journey began with an internal meeting involving Ashley, the email marketing specialist. The entrepreneur had become tired of pouring funds into paid ads and decided to focus on email marketing's untapped potential. A decision was made to invest time, effort, and money into revamping their email strategy. The results were more than impressive.

The Blueprint for Success

The first step was crucial – they crafted a comprehensive email marketing strategy. The entrepreneur emphasizes the importance of coupling revenue growth with enhanced customer experiences through emails. No longer would their emails be plain and uninspiring. The revised strategy was meticulously planned for the next 90 days, marking the commencement of their transformational journey.

The Three-Phase Approach

The first step was crucial – they crafted a comprehensive email marketing strategy. The entrepreneur emphasizes the importance of coupling revenue growth with enhanced customer experiences through emails. No longer would their emails be plain and uninspiring. The revised strategy was meticulously planned for the next 90 days, marking the commencement of their transformational journey.

Quick Wins and Account Refinement

The journey kicked off with quick wins and necessary account adjustments. By fixing issues in their email platform, they set the foundation for future success.

Flow Creation and Revision

A comprehensive overhaul of existing flows took place. These flows, previously neglected, were now strategically designed to cater to various customer touchpoints, including welcome flows, post-purchase flows, upsells, cross-sells, and more.

The SMS Advantage and Advanced Strategies

The team embraced the power of SMS flows and implemented advanced strategies. The focus was on optimizing communication and building stronger customer relationships.

Ongoing Refinement and Testing

The journey didn't end with the three phases; it marked the beginning of an ongoing refinement process. The team consistently fine-tuned flows, sent regular campaigns, and embraced the joy of A/B testing. The entrepreneur admits that witnessing tangible results from tests every few months was incredibly satisfying. This approach perpetually fueled improvements and growth.

Measuring Success with Key Metrics

Metrics guided the entrepreneur's path toward success. They tracked open rates, click rates, and place-order rates, constantly comparing them to industry benchmarks. This data-driven approach provided insights into where improvements were needed, and where they were excelling.

The Remarkable Transformation

A year later, the results were staggering. From a starting point of 18.7% of revenue generated by email marketing, the business had surged to an astounding 40%. This achievement far surpassed the industry's 25-35% benchmark. The shift in approach, from an overlooked channel to a strategic powerhouse, had paid off handsomely.

Key Lessons Learned

The first step was crucial – they crafted a comprehensive email marketing strategy. The entrepreneur emphasizes the importance of coupling revenue growth with enhanced customer experiences through emails. No longer would their emails be plain and uninspiring. The revised strategy was meticulously planned for the next 90 days, marking the commencement of their transformational journey.

Expertise Makes a Difference

Devoting focused attention and hiring an expert in the field led to unprecedented growth. The shift from 18.7% to 40% in revenue proved the value of specialization.

Customer Experience Matters

Enhancing customer experience through emails, not just chasing revenue, reaped immense rewards. Caring for customers translated to loyalty and trust.

Data-Driven Decisions

Testing and learning from data is pivotal. The A/B testing approach, such as experimenting with different CTAs, exemplified the necessity of informed decision-making.


The transformation of this e-commerce business serves as an inspiring testament to the power of email marketing. From being overlooked to becoming a cornerstone of revenue generation, the journey highlights the importance of strategy, expertise, and ongoing refinement. As the entrepreneur continues to strive for even greater heights, we're reminded that success in the e-commerce realm demands a commitment to innovation and adaptation.

If you found this journey enlightening, share this episode with fellow entrepreneurs who can benefit from the insights. Together, we can empower more women in the e-commerce world. Stay tuned for more episodes and remember to follow us on your favorite podcast platform. Until next time, keep growing, taking action, and embracing the potential of every opportunity.