Women Powering Ecommerce

026 - Overwhelm Uncovered: The Hidden Side of Entrepreneurship

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Aug 31, 2023 9:00:00 AM

Welcome to another episode of Women Powering eCommerce! Join us every Tuesday and Thursday as we delve into the journey of a female eCommerce entrepreneur. Together, we'll explore the highs, and the lows, and find inspiration to conquer challenges and achieve our business goals.

Dealing with Overwhelm

Have you ever felt overwhelmed? It's a feeling that we all know too well, especially as entrepreneurs. But it's important to remember that it's a normal part of life. Today, let's talk about how to manage that overwhelming sensation and regain control.

Recognizing the Signs

A few weeks ago, on a Monday morning, I woke up with a lack of motivation and a heavy sense of overwhelm. This is a feeling that everyone experiences, but the key is knowing how to handle it. Over time, I've developed strategies that help me bounce back quickly, and I'm excited to share them with you.

Putting It on Paper

When overwhelmed hits, the first thing I do is put everything down on paper. Sometimes, just seeing your tasks written out can provide clarity and perspective. It's like decluttering your mind and making room for productive thoughts.

But there are times when I realize I've packed too much into my schedule. To address this, I list all the essential tasks, from most important to least. By rearranging my schedule, I create space to breathe and relax. This simple adjustment can make a world of difference.

Shifting Your Perspective

Switching from "I have to" to "I want to" can transform your outlook. As entrepreneurs, we have the luxury of designing our schedules. So, I remind myself why each task is important and how it contributes to my goals. This shift in mindset reignites my enthusiasm and motivation.

The Power of Less

If overwhelm persists, I employ a powerful exercise. I list every task I do throughout the day and ask, "Can I delegate this?" Often, I discover that I'm trying to do everything myself. Realizing this, I prioritize tasks that truly require my attention and delegate the rest. This exercise is a game-changer, helping me focus on what truly matters.

Acceptance and Breaks

Remember, it's okay not to be at your best every single day. There's no shame in taking time off when needed. Whether it's a morning or even just a few hours, these breaks can recharge your mind and help you regain focus.


In the world of eCommerce, overwhelm is a familiar companion. However, with the right strategies, you can conquer it and continue on your entrepreneurial journey. Remember to put your tasks on paper, shift your perspective from obligation to desire, and embrace the power of delegation. And most importantly, be kind to yourself and take breaks when necessary.

Thank you for joining us on this episode of Women Powering eCommerce. If you found this content valuable, please rate and share the podcast to support more women entrepreneurs. Follow us on social media and your favorite podcast platform for more insightful episodes. Together, we can overcome overwhelm and achieve our business dreams. See you next time!