Women Powering Ecommerce

032 - From Self-Doubt to Fearless Leadership: Frédérique's Journey

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Sep 21, 2023 12:00:00 PM

In today's blog post, we'll introduce you to Frédérique Grenier, a remarkable individual whose journey from self-doubt to fearless leadership is truly inspiring. Frédérique is a passionate product owner at Novatize, an eCommerce agency based in Quebec City. Through her story, we'll explore how she overcame challenges, embraced her imposter syndrome, and found her true calling. Get ready to be inspired by Frédérique's resilience and determination.


About Frédérique Grenier

Meet Frédérique Grenier, a Product Owner at Novatize. What she absolutely enjoys about her job is solving problems. When she's thinking about user stories and product features, the trickiest part is figuring out the real issues and what's causing them.

She takes inspiration from her two favorite investors, Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet. They suggest that when you're faced with a tough problem, it's often better to look at it backward. They say it's easier to avoid making mistakes than trying to be super smart. Frédérique uses this idea every day in her work.


The Early Years

Frédérique's journey begins with a young girl who, like many of us, faced self-doubt and struggled with self-acceptance. At the age of 16, she developed an eating disorder, which would stay with her for the next 14 years. Despite her inner turmoil, Frédérique's story is one of resilience, determination, and growth.

Embracing the Imposter Syndrome

One of the most striking aspects of Frédérique's story is her willingness to confront her imposter syndrome head-on. Instead of seeing it as a weakness, she transformed it into a source of strength. Frédérique recognized that imposter syndrome is something many people grapple with, and she chose to use it as fuel for self-improvement.

The Power of Self-Love

If she could go back in time, Frédérique would offer her younger self a simple yet powerful piece of advice: "Love yourself." Her story highlights the importance of self-love and acceptance. She encourages us all to realize that we are enough just as we are, from the moment we are born. Happiness is our birthright, and we should never feel unworthy of it.

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Frédérique's journey is marked by her ability to turn challenges into opportunities. Instead of staying in her comfort zone, she embarked on a path of self-discovery. She pursued an MBA, ventured to New York for an internship, and even learned to code. Each experience brought her closer to her goal of becoming a fearless leader.

The Role of Novatize

Novatize, the eCommerce agency where Frédérique works, played a pivotal role in her transformation. They helped her uncover her true potential and supported her growth. Frédérique's dedication and passion for her job are evident in her journey, and Novatize became a platform for her to evolve into a fearless leader.

The Journey Continues

Frédérique's journey is ongoing. She battles her inner demons daily but has learned that effort and persistence are key. She is determined to use her drive and energy to achieve her career goals, including becoming a CEO, and to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, such as having a family of her own.


Frédérique Grenier's story is a testament to the power of resilience, self-love, and embracing one's imposter syndrome. Her journey reminds us that we are all enough and that we deserve happiness. By turning challenges into opportunities and pursuing our goals with determination, we can overcome self-doubt and become fearless leaders in our own right. Follow Frédérique's journey on Twitter @FredGrenier12 and find inspiration in her story.