Women Powering Ecommerce

042 - Transforming Team Dynamics: A Sports Team Approach in Business

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Oct 26, 2023 5:10:01 PM

Welcome to Women Powering Ecommerce, where every Tuesday and Thursday, we take you behind the scenes of the journey of a female ecommerce entrepreneur. In this episode, we're discussing a significant shift in perspective that has transformed the way we view our teams. This change has had a profound impact on our expectations, standards, and overall performance. Join us as we explore the transition from a family mindset to a sports team approach in our business.

Seeing the Team as Family

In the early days of our business, we viewed our team as a family. This perspective was rooted in tight-knit connections, shared struggles, and mutual growth. There was an emotional bond and a sense of unconditional support. We deeply cared for every team member, and fostering trust and care-based relationships was a priority. While this approach had its merits, it also had its limitations.

The Limitations of the Family Mindset

The family mindset in business is marked by unconditional acceptance, which, while noble, can sometimes hinder growth and performance. The family mindset may inadvertently encourage low standards and mediocrity. It tends to be more forgiving when goals are not met or mistakes are made. In essence, it may lack the accountability and drive that businesses require to thrive.

Introducing the Sports Team Mindset

To overcome these limitations and drive higher performance, we decided to adopt a sports team mindset. The shift in perspective from family to sports team was a game-changer. In sports, the emphasis is on accountability, results, and winning. Coaches set standards, establish goals, and expect their team to strive for excellence.

Accountability and Results

The core of the sports team mindset is accountability and results. We realized that we needed to set specific key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics for every team member, even for roles that were previously challenging to measure. This shift has created a sports culture within our organization. We are driven to win, and to achieve this, we must count points, measure our performance, and identify areas for improvement.

The Best of Both Worlds

While we still value the idea of viewing our team as a family, we now understand the importance of balancing empathy with high standards. Business isn't unconditional, and we've come to appreciate that it requires clear standards and rules to thrive. Embracing the sports team mindset has allowed us to move faster and ensure that everyone plays their role in the pursuit of our business goals.

The Coach's Role

Much like a sports coach, a leader's role in business is to guide, strategize, and ensure that every team member performs at their best. Setting high standards and holding everyone accountable is crucial for the team's success. Just as in sports, meeting the standards for each role is essential to ensure that the team works cohesively and effectively.

The Benefits of the Shift

Since adopting the sports team mindset, we've seen positive changes in our business. The increased focus on accountability and standards has allowed us to gain clarity about our direction and how to achieve our goals. It has also improved our ability to measure performance and adapt for success.


Transitioning from a family mindset to a sports team approach in business has been a transformative journey. While we still value the human element and the care we have for our team, we've recognized the need for clear standards and accountability. This shift has enabled us to move faster, set high standards, and work together as a cohesive unit to achieve our goals. In the ever-competitive world of ecommerce, adopting the sports team mindset has been a game-winning strategy.

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