Women Powering Ecommerce

046 - Revolutionize Your Team Dynamics with Game-Changing One-on-Ones!

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Nov 21, 2023 1:15:00 PM

Welcome back to Women Powering Ecommerce! Today, I want to dive into a topic that has recently significantly impacted my journey as a female e-commerce entrepreneur—regular one-on-one meetings with my team. Now, you might be wondering why I decided to implement these and what makes them so important.

The Journey to One-on-Ones

As my e-commerce venture grew, I noticed communication gaps emerging within the team. The more we expanded, the harder it became to keep track of everyone. Without a structured approach, I realized we risked missing out on crucial opportunities to support team members' growth and address their challenges. Feeling disconnected from my team's journeys and goals, I knew it was time for a change.


Embracing Change and Overcoming Challenges

Implementing regular one-on-ones was not without its challenges. The initial resistance and hesitations from team members were expected. Time constraints posed another hurdle, as our schedules were already packed. However, the benefits I've witnessed in the past few months have been nothing short of transformative.


The Power of Regular Check-ins

The structured approach we adopted in our one-on-one meetings has proven invaluable. We allow individuals to share their wins, discuss actions taken since the last meeting, and review a key metric related to their role. Updates, ideas, and personal and professional goals are also on the agenda. This approach empowers the team member and provides a comprehensive view of their progress.


Benefits Beyond Expectations

The benefits of these regular check-ins extend far beyond what I initially anticipated. Here's what I've observed:

1. Greater Clarity and Understanding

Regular check-ins offer insight into team members' individual challenges and successes. It provides a platform for them to share not only their difficulties but also their accomplishments, fostering a positive work environment.

2. Proactive Problem Solving

Identifying potential risks and problems before they escalate is a significant advantage. One-on-ones create a space for team members to express concerns and ideas that might be overlooked in larger group meetings.

3. Empowerment through Structure

A set structure for these meetings empowers both the team member and the leader conducting the one-on-one. It ensures a focused discussion on the individual's wins, actions, metrics, updates, and goals.

4. The Power of Listening

Genuine listening during these sessions has a profound impact on team morale. Taking a few moments before each meeting to ensure authenticity fosters a sense of being heard and valued.

5. Feedback as a Growth Tool

Constructive feedback is a powerful motivator. Acknowledging achievements and providing guidance for improvement creates a positive cycle of growth for team members.

6. Alignment with Company Goals

One-on-ones help align individual goals with the broader company vision, ensuring everyone is heading in the same direction. This synergy enhances overall organizational performance.

7. Continuous Improvement

The nature of these meetings promotes a culture of continuous improvement. Embracing the idea that growth is a journey, not a destination, allows us to appreciate and share in the team's improvement over time.


Looking Ahead

As we continue to implement one-on-ones across the organization, I am excited about their positive impact. The journey to make them habitual in our interactions is ongoing, but the early results are promising. I'm thrilled to witness the growth of each team member and look forward to the positive influence these check-ins will have on the entire organization.

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