Women Powering Ecommerce

047 - Sustainable Success: Kristi Soomer's Ethical Fashion Revolution

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Nov 28, 2023 1:15:00 PM

Welcome to another empowering episode of Women Powering Ecommerce. Today, we're diving into the world of sustainable fashion with Kristi Soomer, the driving force behind Encircled. Join us as we explore Kristi's journey, the challenges she's overcome, and the lessons she's learned in building a successful ethical fashion brand.

Meet Kristi Soomer: Shaping Ethical Fashion in Toronto

In this episode, we had the pleasure of chatting with Kristi Soomer, the founder of Encircled, a brand that's making waves in the ethical fashion scene in Toronto. Kristi, a seasoned e-commerce entrepreneur, takes us behind the scenes of her journey, sharing insights, highs, lows, and the inspiration behind her mission.

Encircled isn't just about fashion; it's about sustainable style with integrity. Kristi's commitment to ethical practices extends to the brand's core values, creating small-batch, sustainable, and locally-made clothing. As a B Corp since 2018, Encircled proudly stands among the minority of brands choosing ethical and sustainable manufacturing.

The Journey from Corporate to Entrepreneurship

Kristi's journey into entrepreneurship is a testament to the power of inspiration and the unexpected turns life can take. Starting almost a decade into her corporate career, Kristi transitioned from consumer packaged goods and management consulting to founding Encircled.

Her "aha" moment occurred during a vacation, a time when many entrepreneurs find inspiration strikes. Kristi envisioned a product that merged style and functionality, leading to the birth of Encircled. From there, the brand evolved, staying true to its roots while adapting to changing consumer landscapes.

Navigating Challenges: Manufacturing and Beyond

One of the significant challenges Kristi highlights is the complexity of manufacturing, a challenge familiar to many product-based businesses. From fabric mishaps to unexpected label issues, she emphasizes the importance of meticulous processes while acknowledging the unavoidable human element in handmade products.

The conversation shifts to the evolving focus of Encircled. While the brand began as a travel clothing line, it has transitioned to cater to consumers increasingly seeking ethical options. Kristi emphasizes the need to balance fundamentals with consumer-driven shifts, all while staying true to the brand's values.

Adapting to Change: The Role of Freelancers and Agencies

In a rapidly changing market, Kristi shares how Encircled has adapted its approach to hiring. The struggle to find specialized talent, especially in digital marketing, led to a shift toward freelancers and agencies. This strategic move emphasizes efficiency and specialization, allowing the brand to navigate the challenges of a shifting labor market.

Time Management and the Entrepreneurial Balancing Act

As a successful entrepreneur, Kristi delves into the critical aspect of time management. Acknowledging the ongoing challenge of prioritizing tasks, she emphasizes the need for entrepreneurs to focus on their strengths and delegate responsibilities where possible. Balancing time between personal and professional aspects, including implementing AI tools for customer service, remains key.

Lessons Learned and Advice for Entrepreneurs

Reflecting on over a decade of entrepreneurial experience, Kristi offers valuable advice. She stresses the importance of being known for something specific in a saturated market. While certifications like B Corp are beneficial, she encourages entrepreneurs to focus on what matters most to their customers, ensuring authenticity and relevance.

Community and Mentorship: Marie Forleo's Impact

Kristi credits part of her success to the support and community she found in entrepreneurship. Mentioning the impact of Marie Forleo and her B-School, Kristi highlights the significance of community in overcoming the isolation often felt by solo founders. Forging connections with like-minded individuals provided encouragement and played a pivotal role in her entrepreneurial journey.

Connect with Encircled and Kristi Soomer

If you're curious to learn more about Encircled and Kristi's journey, visit Encircled's website or connect with them on Instagram (@encircled_). You can also follow Kristi on Instagram (@kristisoomer) and catch a glimpse of her adorable Insta-star golden doodle, Harlow (@harlowdoodleto).

In conclusion, Kristi's entrepreneurial journey with Encircled offers a wealth of insights for aspiring and established business owners alike. From navigating manufacturing challenges to adapting to changing consumer landscapes, her experiences provide a roadmap for sustainable and ethical entrepreneurship.