Women Powering Ecommerce

049 - Ines Kouame: The Power of Passion in E-Commerce Growth

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Dec 12, 2023 1:00:00 PM

Welcome back to another exciting episode of our e-commerce series! In today's episode, we enjoyed chatting with Ines Kouame, an e-commerce project manager at Novatize, a renowned e-commerce agency. Ines, with a background in labor law and human resources, embarked on her e-commerce journey about five years ago, creating her own online business. Today, we dive deep into her experiences, challenges, and the driving force behind her success.

Meet Ines Kouame: A Journey into E-Commerce

Ines Kouame, an eCommerce Project Manager at Novatize, embarked on her eCommerce journey five years ago by establishing her own online business. Despite starting with little knowledge, her fervor for marketing, branding, and technology drove her forward. This entrepreneurial spirit propelled her own business and has since become a cornerstone in assisting her clients and advancing her career. After reaching a certain growth threshold, Ines sought to immerse herself fully in the industry, leading her to Novatize. Over time, she has honed her skills in email marketing, marketplaces, and social media strategies. Passionate about empowering women, Ines consistently leverages her personal experiences to inspire. Outside of work, she's a fervent beauty and fashion aficionado with a penchant for extreme hiking and gastronomy.



Overcoming Challenges: From Imposter Syndrome to Finding Purpose

One significant challenge Ines faced was imposter syndrome, doubting her qualifications and feeling stuck in her e-commerce venture. However, her determination led her to seek more hands-on experience, eventually landing her a position at Novatize. Ines emphasizes the importance of perseverance and not letting the first "no" discourage you.

Ines further shares a pivotal challenge: a struggle to find purpose and meaning in her career. Having studied labor law and human resources, Ines questioned her path and sought a more fulfilling direction. The introspective period during COVID-19 confinement became a turning point, pushing her to redefine her "why" and create a life aligned with her passion.


The Power of Passion in E-Commerce Growth

Passion emerges as a central theme in Ines's journey. She stresses that passion is the driving force that keeps you motivated, adaptable, and connected to your customers. In the dynamic world of e-commerce, where trends change rapidly, staying grounded in passion helps navigate the noise and make decisions that resonate with your audience.

Ines emphasizes the interconnectedness of passion, communication, and understanding your customers. By building a brand story that reflects your passion, you create a connection with customers that goes beyond metrics. This connection is vital for long-term success, fostering customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Resources That Shaped Ines's E-Commerce Perspective

Ines recommends two valuable resources that significantly influenced her e-commerce journey. The first is the book Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller. This book centered around the power of storytelling in branding and helped Ines shape her strategies based on a compelling narrative.

The second resource is Sabri Suby, a marketing guru and social media personality. Ines admires Suby's ability to engage with his audience and apply marketing principles across various industries. His content, especially on email strategy, has been a source of inspiration for Ines.

Connect with Ines Kouame

To stay connected with Ines and learn more about her insights and experiences, you can find her on LinkedIn.


Ines Kouame's journey into e-commerce reflects the power of passion, resilience, and a commitment to personal growth. Her story inspires aspiring e-commerce professionals, emphasizing the importance of finding purpose, staying connected with customers, and embracing challenges as opportunities for learning and improvement. Join us in the next episode as we continue exploring the diverse and ever-evolving world of e-commerce!