Women Powering Ecommerce

050 - Master Your Year: Transform Your Life Through Strategic Planning

Written by Suzie Cyrenne | Dec 19, 2023 1:30:00 PM

Welcome to another episode of Women Powering Ecommerce! In this milestone 50th episode, I'm thrilled to delve into a topic that's close to my heart: the significance of planning and scheduling for the year ahead. It's a journey I've embarked on over the past couple of years, and the differences I've witnessed by embracing organized planning have been nothing short of transformative.

Let's start by rewinding a bit. Picture a time when chaos ruled my schedule—I was all over the place, with an unbalanced life that left me feeling unfulfilled. Late nights, frantic mornings, and a day spent extinguishing metaphorical fires, feeling indispensable but far from satisfied. Sound familiar?

It took a toll—I barely had time for myself, let alone for cherished moments with family and friends. It became a wake-up call; this couldn't be the blueprint for success as my business grew. So, I took the reins and decided to design my life through proactive planning.

Planning isn't just about structuring work; it's about prioritizing fulfillment. I realized that constantly being reactive—responding to every demand and urgency—wasn't sustainable. It was time for a shift.

So, here's the method I've honed over time—a roadmap to guide the next 12 months:

1. List Vital Events and Life Categories

Start by jotting down key events and life categories for the upcoming year. Not every minute detail, just the significant milestones. For instance, work commitments, vacations, quality time with loved ones, spiritual growth, and personal development. These are the anchors that need a dedicated spot on your calendar.

2. Strategic Calendar Placement

Get that calendar out—physically or digitally—and strategically map out these vital events. Vacation? Block it in. Work commitments? They go in next. The secret here? Stressing the importance of vacation. It's tempting to sideline it amidst work pressures, but it's your energy reset button.

3. Prioritize What Matters

Life moves at lightning speed. Blocking out time for family, friends, and personal growth is pivotal. Regrets often stem from not making time for these cherished connections. So, I consciously earmark specific periods for family reunions or friend meet-ups on my calendar. This ensures it happens—no excuses.

4. Integrate Into Your Daily Routine

Now comes the crucial part—integrate these plans into your daily schedule immediately. Don't let those carefully crafted plans gather dust. Transfer them to your everyday calendar, whether it's on your phone or a physical planner. This step solidifies your commitment to these events and goals.

The beauty of this method lies in its ability to create balance and fulfillment. By addressing the significant aspects of life first, the rest falls into place, just like fitting rocks, pebbles, and sand into a jar—the big priorities first, followed by the smaller ones.

Embracing this approach has transformed my life. It's created space for what matters most, allowing me to grow, enjoy, and contribute more effectively.

Wrapping Up

I hope this journey through proactive planning resonated with you. If it did, consider supporting our podcast and community by rating, sharing, and subscribing. Your support fuels our mission of empowering women in the e-commerce world.

Join us on social media and your favorite podcast platform for more insights and inspiration. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Remember, as you plan ahead, you're not just organizing your days—you're crafting a life that fosters balance, growth, and fulfillment.

Until next time!